Pre-Listing Appraisal Services

Objectivity to Inform Your Listing

Price It Right From the Start

When it comes to selling your home, setting the right price is crucial. Pricing your property too high can discourage potential buyers, while pricing it too low may result in lost profits. To ensure accurate pricing and a successful sale, it's essential to have a professional appraisal completed on your home before listing it on the market.

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Four reasons you should get a Pre-Listing Appraisal

  • Setting the Right Listing Price

    One of the primary reasons to have a professional appraisal is to determine the accurate market value of your home. Appraisers are trained and licensed professionals who assess various factors such as the property's condition, location, size, and recent comparable sales. Their expertise ensures that you set the right listing price, neither overpricing nor underpricing your home.

  • Enhancing Negotiations

    A professional appraisal report provides solid evidence to support your asking price, giving you an advantage during negotiations with potential buyers. Buyers often conduct their own due diligence, including ordering their own appraisals. By having a professional appraisal done beforehand, you can confidently justify your price and negotiate from a position of strength. This transparency and confidence can lead to smoother negotiations and a higher likelihood of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.

  • Avoiding Delays and Disputes

    By having a professional appraisal, you can minimize the chances of delays and disputes during the selling process. An appraisal report provides objective and unbiased information about your property's value, leaving little room for disagreement between you and potential buyers. This reduces the likelihood of surprises or disputes arising during negotiations, ensuring a smoother transaction and a more efficient sale.

  • Gaining Buyer Confidence

    In today's real estate market, buyers are becoming increasingly cautious and thorough in their decision-making process. When you present a professional appraisal report to potential buyers, it demonstrates that you have taken proactive steps to ensure an accurate pricing strategy. This transparency and commitment to accuracy can instill confidence in buyers, making them more likely to trust your pricing and consider your property a serious contender.

Why should you hire us?

  • We offer a timely service and complete our appraisals by the deadline.

  • Our fees are competitive and include a high and detailed level of analysis.

  • We are SRA designated by the Appraisal Institute which make appraisals more credible and acceptable.

  • We appraise all types of residential properties including single family homes, condominiums, 1-4 unit small multifamily, and vacant land.

  • We have experience throughout virtually every area within Collier and Lee county, including rural areas, water front, and barrier islands.